Архив рубрики: corner

What sort of flat is regarded as a corner apartment?

A corner flat is located at the end of the construction: that is, part of its walls aren’t adjacent to the neighbors, however are the outer walls of the house.

There may be one flat at a corner apartment — it occupies the entire end of the house, it is likewise referred to as a corner flat. Or 2 — that the windows of one overlook the road, the second — the lawn. Is based on the building plan, the design of the assumptions.

There’s also a»different caste» — housing with walls in the expansion joints. Such»gaps» between entrances are ordinarily made in multi-story structures, the principal task of the unit — to split the deformation forces throughout the shrinkage of this construction, in case of emergencies. Pros and cons of both corner apartments at the joint are slightly different from the standard ones using this road — we’ll pay special attention to the subject in the last section.


Because the 2-3 sides of this room is outside, in winter it’s 3-5C colder, and in domikday.ru summer on the contrary — warmer. Particularly if the end of the house is heated from the sun. Sometimes, the difference reaches 10C — but such a distinction is unacceptable, indicates that a problem with the exterior the house — most likely have to speak to the management company, requesting (or forcing) to fulfill their direct duties, to spot the cracks formed.

Corner apartment in a brick house with thick walls is more comfortable. Such dangers are not exposed — the thickness of the wall acts as a buffer, so not letting overheating, overcooling.


When an area has only one wall combined with the street, it usually has sufficient room heat to prevent freezing and condensation. However, if there are two outside walls, and they are adjacent — there is a high probability of freezing at the corner, the creation of condensation inside, and consequently — mold, fungus. Their spores not just spoil the look of the room, but also cause the appearance, complication of several serious diseases.

Important! The problems of corner location are justified when the variables are linked — too low temperature from heating batteries along with dampness is certain to lead to moldy walls.