Brazier Using a smoker out of bricks Using their hands

Brazier-smoker from bricks using their own hands may be erected under the supervision of a master or even a specialist knowledgeable in stove masonry. Here is significant: to select the ideal construction material, to prepare itto pound the ideal consistency of the mortar. In addition to the building process itself, it is important for your smoker to find the right location on the website, to care for fire safety.

Varieties of designs

Externally, multifunctional smokehouses vary in proportion, complete, shape and different nuances. They resemble a sizable Russian cooker. Nonetheless, this is only a design. The primary difference between smokers and charcoal grills would be just in functionality. From this depends upon what a construction made from brick can perform. The more working places there’ll be, the broader the menu for food. These options could be arranged in a brick structure:

Smokehouse. The working zone is considered the primary, because of the sake of it the erection of a structure made from brick in this instance is provided. Generally, the smokehouse is a closed chamber. Indoors there are grates or hooks for fixing the products. From the process of ingestion, they’re bombarded with smoke, then acquire a golden color and aroma of smoked meat.

By design — it is an open-type grill. Shashlik is cooked over hot flashes. The sides of the grill are adapted for placing of skewers.

  • Barbecue. It is the identical mangal, but instead of skewers it’s a barbecue. It is utilized to bake steaks as well as other products.
  • Grill. The machine is just like the barbecue, but the food which has been cooked over the grill is covered with a lid. They are simultaneously roasted not just in the bottom, but in addition at the very top.
  • Cauldron. To cook pilaf, ukha along with other hot dishes around the fire, you’ll need a separate working place in the smokehouse. It’s produced in the form of an oven. Stove is laid not deaf, and with a round cutout.

    Hint! It’s better to work with a cast-iron cauldron. From the aluminum container, a few non-liquid products, such as pilaf, will follow the walls.

    The multifunctional smoker consists of several working places

    Of the additional working areas in the smokehouse using a charcoal grill can be provided by means of a table along with a sink. They enable you to do washing and cutting dishes without leaving the position of cooking. In addition to working places, markets are provided in the brick building. They’re used instead of cabinets for storing dishwasher, dishwasher, stove fittings.

    Along with all of the aforementioned nuances, Irrespective of performance, all smokehouses are divided in to two types:

    • Simple in terms of the unit is considered a hot-smoking smokehouse. Products within the chamber are cooked in a higher temperature due to the close location of the hearth.
    • More complex is that the cold smoking brick smokehouse, where the products within the room are enveloped in smoke. This is accomplished because of the distant location of their hearth. Passing through many channels, the smoke stinks.

    Hot smoking cooks foods quicker in the smokehouse, however, the heat treatment makes them .